DebraĀ On TV
Debra Alfarone is a National Correspondent for Gray Television and Lead Anchor for Grayā€™s 24/7 streaming news network, Local News Live / LNL. LNL provides live news coverage from Grayā€™s 113 television markets and Washington, D.C. Bureau. Gray is the nationā€™s largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets in the United States.

As Seen On

Gray Television
The Good Side
National Correspondent
National Anchor
CBS News Streaming Network
Other Appearances
Debra is asked frequently to share her life story ā€” going from dropout to dream life. She is also invited on podcasts frequently to talk about on- and off-camera confidence and how to expertly craft your life.

The secret I held my whole life
In this TEDx talk, Debra reveals the secret she held her whole life; she's a high school dropout. She says her life began to blossom once she realized "the labels we call ourselves, create our selves." She vowed to pick empowering labels from that point forward and encourages viewers to do the same.
NBC News Today
'High school dropout' to 'storyteller': How this TV reporter ditched the negative labels that held her back
Debra Alfarone is an award-winning national TV reporter, but she says she used to have a different label: "high school dropout."
Wall Street Journal
How Women Can Confidently Speak Up for What They Want
The courage to advocate for yourself is a learned skill, according to a panel of experts on WSJā€™s Secrets of Wealthy Women podcast.
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