Podcast Queen Femi Redwood Is Unapologetically Her, But She Wasn't Always

Femi Redwood is the Podcast Manager at 1010WINS in NYC and the Host of the Beyond Black History Month podcast, Co-chair of NABJ's LGBTQ+ Task Force, and a Board Member for NLGJA.
In this episode, the former award-winning TV Anchor and Correspondent shares how 90s icon DaBrat helped her to come out when she was 19 years old. She shares how if you're gonna wear vintage, you just might have to accept that your a$$ may hang out, and talks about how being unapologetically you is what every human should strive for.
Prior to transitioning into podcasting, Femi spent over a decade in TV news, including working as a correspondent in prominent newsrooms such as CBS News and VICE News.
Sh*t I Wish I Knew In My Twenties (SIWIKIMT) is a podcast dedicated to helping 20-somethings thrive in their twenties, not just survive.
Host Debra Alfarone knows how tough being in your twenties can be. As a high-school dropout turned-network-TV-correspondent, she learned most of life’s lessons the hard way. She overcame the odds and now covers the White House for CBS News nationally. She’s also a confidence coach for young women in the TV news industry.
Connect with Femi @Femi Redwood or Femi's website
Debra Alfarone:
Okay. Hey, everyone. Welcome to Beep I Wish I Knew In My Twenties. We have Femi Redwood. She's a podcaster extraordinaire. She has been seen on television worldwide, on Vice, and on CBS News. She's an award winning journalist, anchor reporter, podcast host.
She's just about everything. How are you doing?
Femi Redwood:
Thanks. I'm so excited. Yes. Let's do this.
Debra Alfarone:
Is that your podcasting voice?
Femi Redwood:
It is sometimes. Yes.
Debra Alfarone:
Sounds like you spent a lot of money on that voice.
Femi Redwood:
Oh, I did. Only for me to throw it all out the window and just talk.
Debra Alfarone:
I know, right? But I think it helps us, too, because I've got that. You and I similarly spended lots of money with a specific voice coach who is the classiest chick I've ever met.
Femi Redwood:
So classy. Like, she is oozing class. And I don't even understand how she's so, poised.
Debra Alfarone:
Big shout out to Priscilla Shanks.
Femi Redwood:
Debra Alfarone:
Incredible woman that we both know. Of course, because we're both journalists, we ran across this woman, but she's so classy that I always feel like, she's so cool. So, Priscilla, we love you.
So you were a on air journalist, you were working in Flint. You did your time at VICE, CBS News, and you're doing podcasting, which is a little bit of a twist. Not totally, but kind of because you're able to say what you think a little bit more.
Femi Redwood:
Honestly, it is more amazing than I would have ever expected. It got to a place where I've been in news for, what, almost a decade now, I don't even know. It's been a minute. Right. So I started behind the camera as a producer, writer, that whole trajectory, reporter, anchor, that whole thing.
And it just got to the point where I reached these places that I wanted to reach in my career and was very excited about it. It was great. But I still wasn't happy. I think when you're younger, especially with a career like reporting, where there is an almost set path, we think it's going to feel different and be better when we reach our goal. But it wasn't. I was proud of the work I did in terms of the fact that it was accurate reporting. Everything I did was always accurate, truthful, all of that jazz.
I was proud of that, but I wasn't happy. There would be some days where I would come home, as in, like, literally, this is in the pandemic. So I'm shooting outside and then walking back inside of my apartment. I would just come home, and it's like, I am bored. Wait, can I curse on your podcast?
Debra Alfarone:
Oh, hell yeah!
Femi Redwood:
Okay. But I would come home and just be like, I was bored shitless. I hate what I'm doing. I didn't know if I was burnt out. I didn't know if I just wasn't feeling as challenged creatively. I was not happy. I started to that point sort of freelancing at 1010 Wins Radio. It was like a radio station that I was a PA at years and years ago, and I started freelancing.
I was supposed to be an anchor, but, lord, when I tell you, that soundboard was so confusing, I could not learn it. It was like the most confusing thing ever in the world. So I started reporting, and it was fun, but it was the same thing where I just wasn't happy. I wasn't loving the way that we presented the news. And when I say we, I mean journalists in general. There's very much a way that journalists do news where it's like, sure, we're telling you the who, what, when, where, why? But it's very my name is Femi Redwood, and I am reporting from here, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'm wearing my straight wig, and I'm wearing my jewel colored dress, and I'm wearing my eyelashes, and I like all of those things when I want to do them. But needless to just, I wasn't happy.
I wasn't loving it. And so, in all actuality, my brand manager, which is basically the equivalent of a news director for radio stations, hit me up about this opportunity to run the podcast department. But I was like, yeah, no, I don't really know what I want to do, but I kind of think I'm over news. I'm just bored not loving it. Love, respect the station, everything they do, but just was bored. I talked to a friend of mine who was like, you know what? Just try it. You might like it. I talked to my wife who said the same thing. Just try it, you might like it. And I was like, all right, I'm going to try it. If I don't like it, I'm out. I'm just going to be out, because I just assumed I really wouldn't like it. And I think also, too, if I'm going to be completely frank, in TV, at least, speaking for myself, there's this sort of vanity of liking to be on screen, liking for people to see you, it just is what it is. And so I was like, am I going to miss that? I don't know. So needless to say, I was like, all right, I'll take this position.
Let's do it.
And I fell in love where I could not imagine doing anything else, besides the fact that I love the way that we can tell stories, I love running the department. Not going to lie, I do love being a boss. That's fun. But the biggest thing, honestly, is the fact that I can show up at work every day as me, authentically, me. Some days with my hair natural like this, some days with a purple wig on.
Debra Alfarone:
And by the way, that is something for all you 20 somethings out there know that you might think that X is what you want, but it's really Y and you don't even know it.
Femi Redwood:
I literally thought, like, the gates of heaven was going to open up once I finally reached these career heights. And it just wasn't. I just wasn't able to bring my full, authentic self to work. And if I'm not able to bring the best part of me to my job, what am I doing? What am I doing?
Debra Alfarone:
You're so right. You're so right. And really, that's a lesson for everyone. If you can't bring your full, authentic self to anything like a relationship.
Femi Redwood:
Don't even get me started on relationships.
Debra Alfarone:
Okay, but seriously though, how many times have we tried to be something that we are not?
Femi Redwood:
Oh my God.
Debra Alfarone:
And I'm still trying. I mean, well, no, in my relationship I'm being me. But at work, I am still finding myself trying to be these things. And this podcast is my outlet.
Femi Redwood:
I think so often, especially like to feed our soul, we go to other things, not necessarily the things we want. So whether or not that is clubbing until 2:00A.M. and then going to work at 3:00A.M. Whatever it is we do all of these horrible relationships, all of these things to sort of feed our soul, which isn't really the thing that we need.
Debra Alfarone:
You're really taking on some topics that people need to know that they don't know, like, "Beyond Black History Month" and your Pride podcast. And so what has been the most rewarding thing about these podcasts? Because you're hearing from people.
Femi Redwood:
I think, honestly, it is hearing from people because they didn't see themselves in stories. So one of my favorite stories that I did for the podcast, "It's Okay To Say Gay", we launched it for Pride. The whole idea behind the name was that all of these anti-gay, don't say gay bills, all these anti-trans laws, so this is our way of saying, it's okay, literally. But one of my favorite stories that I did was one about how elderly LGBTQ people basically say, don't forget about them, this Pride, because they sort of fought for all of these rights that we have now. But when you think about Pride celebrations, they're not really geared towards our elders.
And so I spoke to this woman, who was just amazing, first of all, so much energy. But hearing her stories, hearing how she talked about her friends that were in nursing homes and afraid for her other friends to visit because she didn't want to be outed and treated unfairly. And so just to hear their stories, but also to know that this woman never would have imagined her being the focus of a podcast. So almost, it's like making people realize that their voices and their stories matter. And that's undeniably one of my most favorite thing ever is just letting them know that their story is just as important as Kim Kardashian's. In that moment, you listen and think, Pride.
Debra Alfarone:
Is not just a month. Like, you need to tell LGBTQ plus stories all year round.
Femi Redwood:
All year round, that's right, we're here. We exist in the same thing, though, with black history. And that's why I named that the black podcast "Beyond Black History Month", because every black history month, we do our four weeks of stories, and then we're done. Now that there's Juneteenth, we do have some really tacky Juneteenth merchandise in stores, Walmart, I'm looking at you.
But besides that, that's what was really important. Just amplifying these voices that don't get amplified enough. And that's one reason that I love my job so much is that I'm in this position where I can do that, and I never had that before. I thought I would have gotten that in TV, but, no, I didn't get it.
Debra Alfarone:
You have power, and we need smart black women in power.
Femi Redwood:
Yes, we do. And that's the other thing, honestly, and never in a million years did I think I would ever, number one, be a manager, but also want to be a manager. And when I tell you that I love working with these producers, they have less experience than me, and I love that because whereas I'm like, this curmudgeon that's bitter and annoyed, they are so excited, so full of energy and life. But also, it honestly feels really great to be in this position of mentoring people that are just excited about doing these stories. Like, I kind of love it, it's weird. Why do I love work? That's not what's supposed to happen.
I should be hating work. Shouldn't love it.
Debra Alfarone:
Well, no, because now you're finally fulfilled. I think you've hit the intersection of, I like telling stories, which you always did, but now there are stories that you want to tell, and you're in charge, and you get to pick them. And isn't that what we always want to do? Because, damn it, you work in a newsroom, and you're like, hey, I have this really great story. They're like, I understand. And there's a water main break over here.
Femi Redwood:
Yeah, literally. And it's not to say that those stories, the fires, the shootings, all of those things aren't important, because, sure, they undeniably are. I just did one story about violence interrupters, community members who go out and they talk to people before a beef blows up into gun violence. So, undeniably, I understand how shootings are important. I live in a black neighborhood, so I get how and why these things are important. But what was more important to me is to tell these stories that really got below the issues, rather than just a 35 year old was shot. Boom, we're done.
Debra Alfarone:
Circus story.
Femi Redwood:
Debra Alfarone:
Going back, what were you you like in your 20s? Because I didn't know you then.
Femi Redwood:
God, I was such an amazing asshole. Like, I was the best asshole.
Debra Alfarone:
Me too.
Femi Redwood:
Make no mistake. I was an asshole. You know what? It's almost like you go through these waves, right? So, in my confidence in the world, even though I didn't know shit, I was confident, like girl, just be happy you're paying your rent on time, which actually did not get paid on time most of the time. But that's not my fault, kind of my fault, but that's not the point. Anyway, moving on, so I was in my asshole phase. I think so often women are told to shrink themselves.
There have certainly been times in my career after my 20s where I then shrunk myself in those instances and I remember my professor in a journalism class, I don't know how it came up, but at that point, I used to also have natural hair, and I had, like, little two strand twists in my hair. And I remember in class saying, I'm not going to work at a place that's going to require me to straighten my hair. I'm going to keep my hair just like this. So in my 20s, that's who I was. And then I was on TV and on air, and that went away, slap that Brazilian keratin in this.
Let's go. So, yeah, that was kind of me in my. Unapologetically me.
Debra Alfarone:
How did you have that sense of self at that age?
Femi Redwood:
Well, while I was unapologetically me in some areas, in other areas, I was not. Maybe one area was compensating for the other. So, for example, my first TV job was as a production assistant trainee, something like that, at Fox Five, where basically a glorified intern, where I made minimum wage, which was amazing, let me tell you. New York City on minimum wage. Fantastic. I was in the closet for a very long time. Like, I remember I became really good friends with a makeup artist.
And I remember every time we would talk, I would always say, my boyfriend, my boyfriend, my boyfriend, not my girlfriend. So I guess in the same ways that I was unapologetically me, there were still parts of me that I was hiding. I just don't want anyone to think I thought, or rather, I was perfect because I certainly wasn't. I was presenting certainly as me, but still keeping very big parts of me hidden because I was hiding so much of me. I then almost overcompensated by being so much of me here. Do you know what I mean? They're almost like two separate people. Yeah, I guess that's it. I guess I really wasn't ever. But in some ways, I was, like, on the outside, I was, inside, I wasn't.
Debra Alfarone:
It's interesting, I think, that I identify with that a little bit because I was hiding who I was. And we all have our own shit to hide.
Femi Redwood:
Right? Right.
Debra Alfarone:
But I was definitely hiding that I came from a background of a crazy family. I was always like trying to be this perfect person.
Femi Redwood:
When I was younger I didn't realize that two things can exist at once. And so even let's look at family. For example, I can have a crazy whack job of an effing family, but still have had a decent enough childhood. Do you know what I mean? I could still present this way and think that I could present very much authentically me, but still hold a part of me in, because two things can exist at once. So that's one thing that I didn't really come to terms with to understand until later. Yeah, two things can exist at once.
Debra Alfarone:
In 2022, the world is a little better at, oh, my God, accepting us with our nuances and you growing up as a black woman in the south, LGBTQ, doing southern things, I can only imagine the difference between then and now, and so can you take me on that journey a little bit for clarity for everyone?
Femi Redwood:
I was raised half in South Carolina, half in Delaware. What was interesting is where I lived in South Carolina was a predominantly black community, whereas in Delaware, it was the exact opposite. Not a lot of black folks in Delaware, but the community that I lived in was very close to what's considered, like, a gay beach resort. So two very different communities. So, here's the thing that's interesting. I did not actually realize that I was gay until I was, like, 19, maybe. And this is why. And this is why I had to bring up.
So I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. And Jehovah witnesses, they don't believe in premarital sex. They don't believe in dating until you are ready for marriage. And I knew that I wanted a life outside of Delaware. I knew that I wanted something different from what I was seeing in my community in terms of the whole, like, picket fence, 2.5 kids, all of that jazz. So, in my mind, I was just like, I'm not interested in boys because I don't want to get married. Duh.
Who wants to get married at this age? So I didn't even realize. That is how insanely, I don't want to say sheltered, but that is just how I just sort of was like, oh, well, it makes sense that I'm not interested in boys. I don't want to get married. So it wasn't until literally, like, 1981, like, a couple of months before 19, when there was a girl that liked me, I was like, no, we can't be friends because I'm not gay. But, like, ooh, Da Brat is kind of cute. I don't know if you remember the rapper. You remember Da Brat?
Da Brat was everything I had, I had some poster of Da Brat. So I was going to my first college, like, an hour 45 away from my parents, which means I was doing laundry at home, coming home once a week for the things that you can't really afford in school. And so my father found out, taking away my car as my punishment. Those couple of days I was home, when I tell you I made his life miserable, I would be like, oh, I'm cramping. I need medicine. I need you to go to the store. Oh, I don't have any tampons. I need you to go to the store. Oh, crap. I need pads. I need you to go to the store. Needless to say, he got over that very quickly. Fast forward. I know I'm jumping around a little bit, but when I got married a couple of years ago, he was there.
So we are good now. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm the favorite kid because I'd be doing favorite kid things. When I left Delaware for my second college, like, the real college that I really, really went to was an HBCU in Mississippi. HBCU's, for those who don't know, it stands for historically black colleges and universities. And so, because I was so concerned about Mississippi hate crimes, all of these, like, legit, I had two identities in Mississippi, so all of my gay friends called me Cam. That was my nickname based off of the rapper Cam'ron. I don't know if y'all remember, but he changed the game with the pink polos. And then the straight people knew me as Femi. Two different identities. Yeah. So while I'm sitting there, and here's why I bring it back here, because while I'm sitting there in my journalism class, telling my professor I'm only going to work for a news station that's going to let me wear my hair the same way in its natural texture. He also only knew me as Femi, not Cam.
Debra Alfarone:
Some people who don't even have to pretend that they're somebody else have no idea how lucky they have it.
Femi Redwood:
Yeah, well, that's what one thing I'll say about today is especially when you think about LGBTQ acceptance. It is so much better than it used to be. Like, leaps and bounds better. But it's almost kind of the same thing, too, in terms of a lot of marginalized issues. I can't imagine. Certainly, news stations have a very long way to go. Very long way to go. But even if for a fleeting moment in 2020, there were those moments where news directors were saying, we stand in solidarity with black folks.
Can you imagine that ten years ago and in 2020?
Debra Alfarone:
I know you and I have had that discussion, and I remember thinking, like, I don't know enough about what you deal with on a daily basis. And here we worked together for so long, and we were friends, and I just didn't know.
Femi Redwood:
Right. You know what it is, and I'm going to be completely real here. Sometimes it is so uncomfortable talking to white people about race because you don't know if they're going to get defensive. You don't know. Or the other thing of defensive is, like, where they get too much. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. And then you end up comforting someone, and it's just like, okay, all right.
Debra Alfarone:
It's not your cross. Yeah.
Femi Redwood:
It can be work. Let me tell you. And I say this. My wife is white,I say this with my white wife. Or sometimes we have these conversations of, like, sometimes I don't feel like it. I don't feel like it.
Debra Alfarone:
It's not your job.
Femi Redwood:
No, it ain't my job. Yeah, I will, granted, because of the positions I have within all of these volunteer advocacy organizations, I will certainly turn it into my job. But that's when I feel like it. The rest of my time needs to go to, like, Game of Thrones and very important things.
Debra Alfarone:
And it's funny you bring up boundaries because this is something for all you 20 somethings out there. I did not realize that I did not have boundaries in certain areas. And your boundaries, you have to set them, then you have to protect them. I didn't know it in my 20s, I'm not really setting them because I don't feel I deserve boundaries in these areas. And the reason why is because of all the things you carry around with you that you heard growing up. You're not good enough. You're not nice, you're not this, you're not that. And sometimes it lives rent free in your head.
And even now, with all the work that I do, I was like, jesus. I don't have a boundary about that.
Femi Redwood:
I hear this a lot from other black millennials. Where we have issues with boundaries is with our families. Just because of being black, there are these shared struggles, and there's just a different type of community, because, again, granted, a lot of it built from trauma that black folks have compared to other communities. But needless to say, because of that, there is this almost expectation that you have to do things for family members. So my thing, and I've been so good about it, that I am so proud of myself for the most part, is like, when I set boundaries with my family members, this is unacceptable if you speak to me this way, if you do this, we cannot keep in communication.
The only time I can't, although I've gotten better recently, is when my mom will say things. I think with parents, as children, we want our parents to be perfect because we see them as these greater than us beings that raised us, these giants. They were older. Da da da. But in all actuality, our parents are just as screwed up as we are and trying to figure out life in the same way that we are. So needless to say, I say all of that to say. There'll be times where my mom, who admittedly also has a problem with boundaries, my mom will say, oh, well, he's trying, or, da da da da da, why don't you help him? And it's been only recently, I would say within the past six months, where I would say, no, this is my boundary. I need you to stop pushing it. I need you to respect that boundary. It is okay if you allow him to cross your boundary, he will not be crossing mine. But, yeah, boundaries with family can be tough. And when you think about it, they're also, like your first friends, your first social interactions, your first everything. So, of course it's going to be tough with family.
Debra Alfarone:
When Josh is unhappy about something, like when he's depressed or he's sad or whatever it is, my boundary was that I can't be happy if he's not happy. And that's something in relationships, it's like, well, if only he was happy that I could be happy. And we do this, we hook our happiness on other people or on other things. But I get that, and it's a boundary I can choose to be happy today. And I'm sorry that you're doing this. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. And let me know what I can do for you, and we'll be over here being happy. Because why not, right?
Femi Redwood:
Thinking back on putting our happiness into other things. And that's part of the reason why when I took this position, I was so shocked, because I thought previously that I would be happy at this place and I'd be happy at that place, and it didn't happen. So then what happens is the, whoa, is it me? Am I just over this? Am I doing something wrong? Would I be happy if maybe I got, like, $20,000 more? Maybe I'd be happier if instead of in this department, I was in that department. But no, regardless of what happens, I want to be happy. And I would like to say that's where I am now. Regardless of what happens to this job, I would like to say that that's where I am now. But admittedly, I can also say that with all the privilege in the world, knowing that, let's say I lose my job tomorrow, of course I can still be happy. I have a wife who has a pretty good job.
Yeah, it absolutely helps. So I don't know. I don't know if I can say that I would really be happy if I didn't have everything, because I don't know how truthful that would be. Do you know what I mean?
First piece of advice, if you happen to love vintage clothes, love it. But if you're going to wear vintage clothes, that is, let's say, 40 years old, be prepared that the seams will rip when you are at work and your ass may be exposed, but you'll look great right before that rip. Well, you might even look great after that rip, depending on who's around. Keep safety pins on you just in case. Luckily, I had a cardigan to cover my ass, but I literally had to walk to the Gap and buy something. Which actually, I think this is a pattern, because now that I think about it, when I was in college, back that ass up was one of the songs that was on and popping. I remember backing that ass up, dropping it like it's hot. And my cheap pants ripped at the club as well, I also had to go home. I think there is something here, I got to unpack this. Yeah, it might be buying clothes my correct size.
Debra Alfarone:
Episode number two.
Femi Redwood:
We will come back to that later, when you are younger, you tend to think, at least based off of my experience, that when you get older, you are going to have all of the things, all of the monies, all of the homes, all of the things. That's typically not the way life works out. So my advice is plan just in case you don't have all of the things. And what I mean by that is don't live like a super boring life where you don't do things, but just plan that you might not have all of those things. And when I say plan that, a part of planning, that is knowing that it's okay if you don't, don't hook all of your expectations onto these things. Because if you don't get it, then that turns into disappointment, that turns into self doubt, that turns into questioning all of your choices, and nothing good comes out of that negativity. So just plan that maybe you won't have these things and that's okay.
Debra Alfarone:
But another thing is that I work so hard all these years that now I'm at a point where I'm working hard still, but I'm like, oh, when am I going to enjoy life? Maybe I should go on a beach vacation. I have put off a lot of stuff to work.
Femi Redwood:
No saints. It's insane how many things that we have put off for work, just especially in this type of industry where it's always hustle, hustle, hustle. And I think also that I will say I love the fact that Gen Z's are getting away from the very toxic hustle culture that was ingrained in us. But the hustle culture can be so toxic because there's nothing wrong with just taking time off. Call it a fancy sabbatical, or just call it laying on your couch. There's nothing wrong with taking time off or going to do the foolishness. Just enjoying life now rather than waiting.
Debra Alfarone:
I saw this meme the other day, about what was that gap in your resume? And someone said, oh, that's the only time I experienced joy. Who said we had to work all the time and not have a gap in our resume? And then I also have clients who will leave a job, and then they're like, I don't have a job. What am I going to do? It's, enjoy it.
Femi Redwood:
I thought my life would look one way, and it doesn't. It looks so different than I could have ever expected or planned. And I am so grateful. I have an amazing wife who I'm going to smother in a second and force her to watch Law and Order reruns while eating a really good salmon burger. A great job that I love. Very excited about this burger. I would have never five years ago think this is where I would be, but I'm so grateful this is where I'm at.
Debra Alfarone:
What is some beep you wish you knew in your 20s.
Femi Redwood:
Know in your authenticy. You both in and out. If you're questioning, they're not worth it. Like, let it go. Let it go. Let it go, Lord. Let it go. You know what, honestly, I think my biggest piece of advice is to just have your boundaries. Be kind, not nice. I do not believe in being nice. Being kind, not nice. I hate that nice bs. But be authentically you.
Debra Alfarone:
Well, everybody, follow Femi Redwood and tell us what podcasts we need to be following right now.
Femi Redwood:
It's called "Beyond Black History Month" And then the other one is called "It's Okay To Say Gay". They are on all the podcast apps.
Debra Alfarone:
I love it. Thank you so much for telling the stories that need to be told and for sharing some we wish we knew in our 20's. Wait, one last thing. I didn't ask you the one question I ask all the time.
Femi Redwood:
Oh, what is it?
Debra Alfarone:
It's what is the one memory you wish you could erase from your hair? A hair moment, an outfit moment, or a job moment.
Femi Redwood:
So, remember Ashley Simpson and how she was wearing her hair that very emo style where it was, like, super straight? So imagine that, except on a black woman with natural hair, which means I was straightening my hair. But if you know anything about black natural hair, it then turns into an afro as the day progresses. So up here would be an afro, like, just an afro, and then down here would be, like, these straight, spiky ends going everywhere. It was the ugliest monstrosity I have ever had in my life. And to add insult to injury, which is why I should know by now, to buy makeup that matches. I have photos where I'm literally sitting in an apartment, and my face is ten shades lighter than my neck. And then you've got, like, the afro with the things going here, and it was just the most insane monstrosity yet. I had the nerve to think I was killing the game.
You could not tell me I was not serving you Ashley Simpson realness. It was horrible.
Debra Alfarone:
First of all, I never knew anyone wanted to serve Ashley Simpson realness.
Femi Redwood:
Listen, she had a couple good songs on.
Debra Alfarone:
She had a good moment.
Femi Redwood:
Make sure you hit subscribe.
Debra Alfarone:
Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time.
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